Something good will come as a very very big surprise

Believe that you are going to get what you would like

I hope I can always have a wonderful time

If you feel upset please leave unhappiness aside

Don't be proud of what you gained

'Cause you should try your best to gain more

Don't be sad about what you lost

'Cause something can help you get it again

It's an amazing thing

Since it determines many things

You might know what it is

Oh it's just good luck

Something good will come as a very very big surprise

Believe that you are going to get what you would like

I hope I can always have a wonderful time

If you feel upset please leave unhappiness aside

Changing no to yes

Good luck appears at a moment

Becoming all the best

You will never be a loser

Just like what I said

Good luck does a lot of wonders

It can drive bad things away

To make your life better

Everyone would need it

But it can't always be here

Don't complain too much

And you will get good luck

Something good will come as a very very big surprise

Believe that you are going to get what you would like

I hope I can always have a wonderful time

If you feel upset please leave unhappiness aside
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