Park14032 - 镜圆月缺

镜圆月缺 - Park14032



Cose your eyes

Choose a path

And if you\'re right

Just show me now

Mirror broken

The moon is alive

Dream of you

Tell me this is

镜 花 水 月 炉 香 柳 烟

朝 雨 夕 露 艳 阳 流 水

Lead my heart

And to your dreams

Fix the mirror

fix the fate

I hope you\'re

Still there

Give me a chance

Wait for me

To come over

And join you

I believe this

is the right path

I\'m holding your hand

You smile at me

Tell me this is

巧 笑 倩 兮 美 目 盼 兮

绘 事 后 素 如 我 如 你

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